Episode #1 – Evangelism in 2010

dsc_0087The first episode of the Finding Rhythm Podcast is up. In this first episode I introduce the podcast and I talk a little bit about evangelicalism in today’s world. Typically I’ll be posting any show notes and links for each episode right here on the Finding Rhythm blog.


Click here for the podcast’s iTunes page.

Click here for the podcast’s RSS feed.

Thanks for listening and make sure to leave a comment here if you have any suggestions for how I can make the podcast better or if you have any reaction to the content.

Finding Rhythm Podcast

I’m starting up a new podcast to coincide with this blog. It’s called Finding Rhythm Podcast and you can subscribe to the feed here. Please give me your feedback and tell me if there are some subjects you’re interesting along with any ideas on how I could improve the podcast. Thanks for listening!

Click here to access the podcast’s iTunes page.

“You do not know me….”

This is a fascinating clip. The pastor in the clip says he’s there because he he loves Jennifer and is “concerned” for her while making the claim that he is in no way condemning or judging her. His problem is that no one who is being objective really believes that. His very presence on the set is precisely due to the fact that he is judging her and indicating to her that she’s separated from “the family.” I love the way Knapp calls him out and wonders why, if “sin is sin” as he points out, he’s not sitting in her seat. Beautiful.

Live As If Your Father Were Dead

“Imagine that your father has died, or remember when he did die. Are there any feelings of relief associated with his death? Now that he is dead, is any part of you happy that you need not live up to his expectations or suffer his criticisms?

How would you have lived your life differently if you had never tried to please your father? If you never tried to show your father that you were worthy? If you never felt burdened by your father’s critical eye?

For the next three day, do at least one activity a day that you have avoided or suppressed because of the influence of your father. In this way, practice being free of his subtle expectations, which may now reside within your own self judgment. Practice being free in this way, once each day for three days, even if you feel fearful, limited, unworthy, or burdened by your father’s expectations.”

— David Deida, The Way of the Superior Man

On a personal note, I’ve been very fortunate to have a father who has always accepted me no matter what. I’ve never had to contend with the need to seek his approval because I knew that I already had it. It’s the absolute best gift a father can give his son, unconditional acceptance and validation, and I’m eternally grateful to my own father for giving me the freedom to be who I am.

The reason I post these thoughts is that, in my experience, this as a very common issue that men deal with and it tends to be crippling. It’s a simple yet very profound notion, to cut the chord of fatherly criticism and expectations.

Emerging Denialism

“It’s true that the ’emerging church’ term is fading….”

Tall Skinny Kiwi

It’s fascinating to read TSK and his fellow “Emerging/Emergent” deniers. What’s fascinating, especially in TSK’s case, is that for a term he keeps saying is dead or “fading,” he can’t seem to stop writing about it. TSK has posted thirteen posts on “emerging” topics since March 26th. More than half his posts on his front page are “emerging” related. It’s like he’s sitting in a house being consumed by a raging fire and continually repeating, “I think it’s just about out now, right?” TSK, if you’re not using the term anymore then you could have fooled me. 😉

Seems like they’re still not taking my advice. Sigh….

Testify to Invisible Love

“If love were only spiritual,
the practices of fasting and prayer would not
The gifts of lovers to one another are,
in respect to love, nothing but forms;
yet, they testify
to invisible love.”

– Rumi, Mathnawi

As you might infer from a few of my previous posts, I’m on a Rumi kick. You can read about Rumi here. Shambala Library has published a fantastic collection of Rumi’s poems and I’ve been wandering through this book a lot ever since I picked it up on a whim. Like all good poetry, his poems trip you up in the midst of day to day life in a way that ushers in wonder and vitality. I’m sure I’ll post more selections because they seem to be never-ending.